A Family That Works Together...

    Hey everyone! Today we're going to be talking about bringing families closer. Specifically, I'm going to be talking about ways that working together as a family can bring them closer. In my life, I have seen how all the hard work my family did together brought us closer than all of the times that we didn't work or even played. The main points that we will be: Creating a sense of belonging. creating teamwork, and making the family load lighter. 
    First, lets talk about how work creates a sense of belonging. Whenever you give somebody a job and make them feel important, they grow attached and create the said sense of belonging. I remember when I was 9 years old, my Dad called me into the garage to help him work on the car. Of course, I didn't know anything about cars, but my dad still told me what tools to bring him. We worked on that car for months rebuilding the engine, and it made me feel like such an important, vital part of the family. 
    Next, let's talk about how it creates teamwork. Once you get into the workforce, it becomes clear rather quickly the importance of being able to work in a team setting. Now, most people these days think of sports when it comes to learning teamwork, but I think that our families provide a greater opportunity to do so. When I was in middle school, my Dad started waking me and my siblings up every Saturday at 6am. Then, it was time to go outside and get all the weeds pulled, grass mowed and edged, and bushes trimmed before we had breakfast. We learned very quickly that if only one of us did most of the work, it would be a long time before any of us were able to have breakfast. It took some time, practice, and communication, but eventually we all learned how to work together to get all the yard work done as quickly as possible, with breakfast usually coming around 7:30-8. This brings me into our final topic.
    Lastly, lets talk about how making the load lighter brings family together. I'll refer to the last example. When my siblings and I worked together to get the yard work done quickly, we didn't just make the work go faster but we also made it easier for everyone. I worked just as hard as all my older siblings, and they worked hard to help me as well. In doing so we not only became a strong team, but we also were lightening the burden off of each other. We learned to rely on one another, and in doing so grew closer together as a family. These are all principles that I apply to my life now as a husband and as a father.


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